Software Analytics

👨‍💻 Developers' Edition 👩‍💻

Use data-driven analysis to fix your software systems.

An opinionated website, created by Markus Harrer

What is "Software Analytics?"

This is the best definition of Software Analytics I know so far:

Software analytics is analytics on software data for managers and software engineers with the aim of empowering software development individuals and teams to gain and share insight from their data to make better decisions.

-- Tim Menzies, Thomas Zimmermann in "Software Analytics: So What?, IEEE Software, vol. 30"

Why "Developers' Edition"?

Software Analytics comes in many flavors. Having its origin in Empirical Software Engineering, it could seem theoretical and academic at first glance to many people. My goal is to make Software Analytics valuable to all software practitioners. With the "Developers' Edition", I try to provide especially developers with enough knowledge and tools so they can analyze their very context-specific problems in a data-driven way. (and "Developers' Edition" also fitted perfectly to the .de TLD ;-) )

Learn about Software Analytics

Watch Talks & Lessons

Here are some of my recorded videos about Software Analytics. Most are in English, some in German.

➪ YouTube playlist

Self-study Online Tutorial

Here you can take your very own first steps with practical analyses of software data. You don't even need to install anything. It's all online!

➪ Online Tutorial

Deep-dive into the topic

I've created a list of resources about Software Analytics that I've found so far. Feel free to suggest any additional information!

➪ Awesome Software Analytics

Attend a Workshop

Curious how you can use Software Analytics at your company? Book your Software Analytics workshops to get started!

➪ Workshops (on request)

More about Software Analytics

Look at some applications

Over the years, I published some analyses of software data. Most of them are based on real-world analyses I did in my life as a software developer.

➪ Blog

My Project on DataCamp

The online learning platform DataCamp provides plenty of courses and tutorials about Data Science related topics. I'm on board with a short analysis of Linux.

➪ DataCamp Project

Software Analytics Katas

Are you searching for the ultimate challenge? Here are some problems that you can address with data-driven analysis. Have fun!

➪ Software Analytics Katas

Software Analytics Repo

Over the years, I published many analysis notebooks and prototypes in this repository. Feel free to take a look around!

➪ GitHub repo

About Me

Profile picture of Markus Harrer Hi, I'm Markus. I'm passionate about improving the way we work in software development. I work as a consultant at INNOQ in Germany, where my focus is reviewing and modernizing software systems. For my work, I also use data analysis to make the root causes of problems in software systems and their environment more understandable. On this website, I've gathered all the things I did so far in this area. With this, I hope to give you, too, enough pointers for diving into this wonderful topic!

Anything else?

Did you found something useful? What else interests you? Let me know!



Well, actually, there is more stuff coming. This is just the beginning. Stay tuned!